Category: Artwork
Artwork (9) Events (3) Interview (9) Memoir (1) Nonfiction Essay (11) Podcast (2) Poetry (4) Published Work (12) Short Story (1) Something Wonderful (1) Sound and Psychiatry (4) Talks (7)
Webinar: Art-Making as an Alternative Philosophy of Care During Emotional Crisis
In this webinar, hosted by the National Empowerment Center, we will explore several conditions and intentions in art-making practice which can create spaces that support…
Dory Previn: On My Way to Where
One Night Only!Wednesday, March 19 Documentary screening and panel at the Clairidge Theater in Montclair NJ Link for in-person tickets here. To sign up…
Lost Poetry: Psychiatry and Creativity
I lost a poem once, and I mourned it for many years. But, one day my grief became a map, and with it I…
Loss, Grief, and Betrayal: Psychiatric Survivors Reflect on the Impact of New Serotonin Study
By Karin Jervert and Marnie Wedlake Loss, grief, and a sense of betrayal are felt deeply by many who have been affected by the…
Small Art Show At Small World
I wanted to share some images and the artist statement from my recent show at a local coffee shop. Just took it down Tuesday.…
Too Young For that Much Terror
About My Site’s Former Logo I wanted to share about the evolution of the artwork on the header of my site. The pieces I’ve…
The Song of Psychiatry: The Impact of Language
As a young woman, I believed the story I was told and internalized the language of the psychiatric system. The story it told, the…
#SurvivingPsychiatry Playlist
Feel like taking a musical journey of #survivingpsychiatry? If you have Apple Music, you can listen here. Or recreate the playlist on any of…
Sound and Psychiatry | Sound Piece
Spoken word poem with sounds remembered from a mental hospitalization.
For My Friend & Those With Chronic Illness
When the years of life are piling up and the suffering has found no end, yet. What god-forsaken thing inside of us keeps us…
What We Have Always Known but Psychiatry Forgot
When I came off my last medication, my psychiatrist said to me, “You will get sick again.” Psychiatry has always been sure of one…
Talk: Creativity and COVID: A Lived Experience Perspective
Creativity and COVID: A Lived Experience Perspective” at the Alternatives 2021 Conference. July 10, 2021 at 12PM EST. The Alternatives conference continues on the…